Cromwell Property Group is overseen by a majority independent board of directors

Cromwell Property Group Board of Directors

Home Jonathan Callaghan

Cromwell Property Group is overseen by a majority independent board of directors

Cromwell Property Group Board of Directors

Jonathan Callaghan

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer

BSc (Hons), LLB (Hons), MAppFin, 52


Director since:

7 October 2021

Last elected:

Not applicable

Board Committee membership:

Not applicable



Based in:


Stapled securities held:

1,090,670 stapled securities (Change of Director’s Interest Notice dated 23 November 2023)

Listed Company Directorships (held within the last three years):

Non-executive Non-independent Director – Cromwell European REIT  (June 2023 – present)


Skills and Experience

Mr Callaghan joined Cromwell as Chief Executive Officer in October 2021. Prior to this, he was at Investa Property Group where he started as General Counsel and Company Secretary in 2006 before being appointed Joint Managing Director and Finance Director in 2013 and Chief Executive Officer in 2016.

His career at Investa included overseeing management of the Investa Commercial Property Fund, which at the time of his departure was the top performing core office fund over two, three, five and seven-year time horizons. During his tenure, Investa was widely regarded as an industry leader and was recognised in the Australian Financial Review BOSS Best Places to Work list for 2021 in property. Earlier in his career, Mr Callaghan spent time at law firms Gilbert & Tobin and Corrs Chambers Westgarth.

Mr Callaghan holds a Master of Applied Finance from Macquarie University and a Bachelor of Science (Hons) and Bachelor of Laws (Hons) from the University of Sydney. Mr Callaghan is a Member of the Property Champions of Change Coalition.